

Our GOD REIGNS!  Speak the Word Only... When We as the Ekklesia truly come before Our Father, through the Blood of Jesus to Pray, Decree, an Declare, We Speak God's Word's back to Him found in His Word, then there is alignment of Our Petition of His Will coming from Heaven, to Earth, and Thus sitting up His Kingdom Rule! KINGDOM means RULE!  In the Bible, "kingdom" does not refer to a geographical territory.  Kingdom is the WILL of God and the RULE of God manifested on earth.  For the kingdom to be near, it means the RULE of God is being revealed.  It means that God has invaded the earth realm to Set Things Right and Establish HIS Will! The Kingdom of God is ruled by JESUS! That is why we must Seek the Kingdom First.  His Goals are Righteousness, Peace, and Joy (Rom 14:17), and characterized by Health, Wholeness, Fulfillment and Satisfaction.  God's SHALOM means to be safe in mind, body, and possessions, to be complete, lacking nothing. to enjoy total ...
                                     We will see Victory threw the Blood of Jesus in everything! Arise and Shine and do not be in doubt, Faith Moves God! We are His body on this earth, and do you think God is moved by the evilness of man or woman? God sit's in the Heavens and laughs at their plans! The enemies plan will collapse upon itself because the devils have no love for each other, love is not in them, they even hate each other!  Some people have yielded their selves to these spirits:  Proverbs 6:16-19 "These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren". When satan decided he would go ascend above the Most High God knew ahead an was not surprised....
STAND in CHRIST! We are to enter into who We are in the Finished word of our Savior JESUS!  Church We are in Christ, He is the Head of the Body which is Us.  JESUS is the Word, the Spoken Word of God!!!  JESUS is the God of Breakthrough, He is Tearing down Strongholds, Breaking down every wall of the enemy and his camp of demonic devils We Decree it Father in JESUS name!  Yes & Amen! It is through Him that we live and function and have our identity; just as your own poets have said, "Our lineage comes from Him." Act 17:28 (TPT) For "In Him we live and move and have our being; as even some of your poets have said, "For we are indeed His offspring."  Acts 17:28 (ESV) Jeremiah  32:17 (HCSB) Look, I Am Yahweh, the God God of all flesh.  Is anything too difficult for Me? lamentations 3:37 (HCSB) Who is there who speaks and it happens, unless the Lord has ordained it? Daniel 2:21 (HCSB) He changes the times and seasons; He removes kings and est...
 Roaring And Shaking...   The Prayers are not going unheard! Do not be in fear ... Isaiah 44:8 Fear not, nor be afraid (in the coming violent upheavals); have I not told it to you from of old and declared it?  And you are My witnesses!  Is there a God besides Me?  There is no (other ROCK; I know not any)." Isaiah 41:10 Fear not (there is nothing to fear), for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My (victorious) right hand of rightness and justice." In Gods word their were many times the enemy thought he had won, But God always WINS! When Our Lord was on the cross payed the ultimate Price for our sin, the enemy and his angels celebrated, Till JESUS showed UP... I Kings 1 We read that David was old and dying, so Adonijah, set himself up as King So he got chariots and horses ready, with fifty men to...
JUSTICE IS COMING! Rise and Declare the Word's of the LORD There is a Host of Angelic Forces released being instructed by your Words you are Declaring in Alignment with God's written Word!  Be Guarded as to what you are Speaking, life and death are in the power of the tongue... This is a Season of Spiritual Battles that we must press forward and Guard Our Gates. What we let in on our eye Gate on "Tell-lie-vision," and Guard what comes through our ear Gates "hearing Lies,"  and Guard what comes out of our mouth Gates such as "speaking and agreeing" with False hoods!   God is a Jealous God He will not allow us to have His Holy Presence among-est: witchcraft, idols, false gods, religiosity, and all manners of vain speech, lying tongues, false accusers... 2 Timothy 3: 1-5   But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankfu...
  No GOD, Like JEHOVAH!  I am still believing that God has the final Ballot.  We as His Children enforce the will of Our Father by not backing up, or giving in to the enemies deception of how he wants it governed.   God does not work on man's time table, God holds time in His hand.  We Stand, and have stood praying, interceding. decreeing, declaring, and asking God for Mercy and Grace in our Land, for only His will to come forth. The battle is in the Heavens, we must rule from the realm that God has raised us up with Christ JESUS, seated in heavenly places, far above all rule, authority, power and dominion.   Jesus has authority over everything on the Earth and we are seated beside Him,  He has given us His authority to speak life, calm storms, heal sickness, proclaim truth, cast out demon, etc.  We must take hold of our position and the authority that comes from being co-heirs with Christ, when we do we see victory before it is even rea...
Kings & Priest in Christ! Who are we?  most people when they speak of you will say... (for example) that is Bill and Sue Smith's son or daughter, and probably offer you an explanation of who they think you are by the reputation following of the Smith family or give a comment on their idea of who they think you are established on the basis of where you where born, your heritage, your financial status etc... so they have already labeled you on the basis of your families status or lack thereof.    When Jesus walked the earth He was also labeled,   Below some examples of negative ones... Matthew 13:55  is this not the carpenters son?   Is not His mother called Mary?" John 10:20  many of them were saying, "He has a demon and is insane.  Why do you listen to Him?"   John 1:46   a nd Nathanael said to him, "can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Jesus Himself was denied by all before He went to the cross. T hey said ne...
God is Calling on Us... I pray that we All are growing closer to Our Heavenly Father, Our Loving Savior, and Sweet Holy Spirit, and studying His Word, listening for God's instructions and interceding and lifting everyone up in Prayers, not only loved ones and friends, but the entire world! Let us stand strong in the Faith God has given us, without entering into doubting, worry, or fear.  "For He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we ask or think".  In God's Word we learn that everyone had to go through battles, and in their battles they found out through trial and error if they had taken the right course or not?  Sometimes i wish we could see the end from the beginning when facing life's path, but that is not going to happen.  God knows the end from the beginning, so we must totally have our Faith in Him and Him alone!  When he commissions us t...

Rise Up My Remnant

  Rise Up My Remnant... I Heard in My Spirit the Word's Rise Up My Remnant, the Lord has given us dominion over the earth to Declare His Will, His Word, His Way!   We have spent an hour daily specifically to Pray, during this time of shut down, we have continued to Pray, Declare, Decree, God's Plans.  In God's Word 2 Chronicles 7:14 If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and Pray and Seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land! It is time to Quit complaining, and get back to God, Remember why we are on this earth, (we have a purpose), when Our Savior came to earth to Pay in His own Precious Blood to Redeem us back to the Father, He said "IT IS FINISHED" and the Kingdom and the Keys of this World was given back to the Lord, and then He gave us the Power and Authority and the Keys, to Rule and Reign over this earth, we are seated wit...


Declaring...   In the eyes and the heart of the Lord, every word you speak are not words but seeds. Every seed produces fruit, whether it is good or bad.  We plant seeds with our mouth of either life or death, blessing or curses.  you receive a harvest of good or bad according to your seeds (words).  You cannot have a harvest if you don't plant seeds (words).  And you get a bad harvest through bad seeds (words) of murmuring, complaining, judging, fault finding, and criticizing. Every time you releases and loose God's plans and purposes only into your life, situation, circumstances and environment, you are planting seeds, and you will have a harvest every time of God's plan and purpose. Remember, you are "declaring" when you Thank instead of Ask God. Just like when you receive a gift, you say "thank you," it's the same with God.  When you thank Him, you are declaring that you have already received that for which you are thanking Him. God said in Numb...