Our GOD REIGNS! Speak the Word Only... When We as the Ekklesia truly come before Our Father, through the Blood of Jesus to Pray, Decree, an Declare, We Speak God's Word's back to Him found in His Word, then there is alignment of Our Petition of His Will coming from Heaven, to Earth, and Thus sitting up His Kingdom Rule! KINGDOM means RULE! In the Bible, "kingdom" does not refer to a geographical territory. Kingdom is the WILL of God and the RULE of God manifested on earth. For the kingdom to be near, it means the RULE of God is being revealed. It means that God has invaded the earth realm to Set Things Right and Establish HIS Will! The Kingdom of God is ruled by JESUS! That is why we must Seek the Kingdom First. His Goals are Righteousness, Peace, and Joy (Rom 14:17), and characterized by Health, Wholeness, Fulfillment and Satisfaction. God's SHALOM means to be safe in mind, body, and possessions, to be complete, lacking nothing. to enjoy total ...