I am still believing that God has the final Ballot.  We as His Children enforce the will of Our Father by not backing up, or giving in to the enemies deception of how he wants it governed.  

God does not work on man's time table, God holds time in His hand.  We Stand, and have stood praying, interceding. decreeing, declaring, and asking God for Mercy and Grace in our Land, for only His will to come forth. The battle is in the Heavens, we must rule from the realm that God has raised us up with Christ JESUS, seated in heavenly places, far above all rule, authority, power and dominion.  

Jesus has authority over everything on the Earth and we are seated beside Him,  He has given us His authority to speak life, calm storms, heal sickness, proclaim truth, cast out demon, etc.  We must take hold of our position and the authority that comes from being co-heirs with Christ, when we do we see victory before it is even realized in our circumstances.  We know with certainty that the battle will be won.  We know that we are safe, loved and protected, because we look right beside us and see Jesus!

Be encouraged Today. You are not a victim of the changing circumstances of life. Your a Victor! 

We are the Champions in Christ.  Truth, Righteousness, and Judgement is our Battle Cry.   Amen!