We will see Victory threw the Blood of Jesus in everything!
Arise and Shine and do not be in doubt, Faith Moves God! We are His body on this earth, and do you think God is moved by the evilness of man or woman? God sit's in the Heavens and laughs at their plans!
The enemies plan will collapse upon itself because the devils have no love for each other, love is not in them, they even hate each other! Some people have yielded their selves to these spirits: Proverbs 6:16-19 "These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren".
When satan decided he would go ascend above the Most High God knew ahead an was not surprised. God let him gather the ones who would follow such idiocracy patiently waiting because God is merciful giving everyone a chance to choose whom they will serve. But when time came when God had enough He cast them out of Heaven, and you know the rest of the story.
Presently in this hour God is allowing people a chance to come forth an confess of their sins, and repent, but if they chose not to, their are laws set up in our land they will and must pay a penalty of such corruption for such treasonous acts to take down leaders of not only our land America, but also Nations across this world! Time has come for Truth, Justice, Righteousness, and Liberty reign in across every land! If they think they can get a Pass here, just wait until they stand before the Real JUDGE that discerns and knows the very intent of every heart. WHOA to them!
God is also observing, looking for His Bride, what is she doing??? Is she hiding, scared, running, tossed to an fro, gossiping, agreeing with status quo, admitting defeat???
Myself, before I married someone I would want to know my betrothed was a person I knew would be there with me through the test of time, standing along side me, facing for better or worse, sickness and health, richer or poorer etc...
God has not left His people to venture back into Egypt, that is what the enemy desires, but God has led us Out of bondage and yes their is a Red Sea moment for us All! Do you desire to go back because you fear the unknown, and look through the eyes of the flesh at the Red Sea in front of you and the Egyptian armies behind? God wants us to look through our spiritual eyes and see the Angelic forces that are for us surrounding us and release our Faith He has given to us, an be Bold as a Lion make a stand in Christ and declare: We are more than conquerors in Jesus! Nothing shall separate us from the Love of God! I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me! Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of HIS might!
Search more in the Bible an see the Promises for us, His word is alive and powerful.