God Rules

Worship is not only something due to Our God, it is also a powerful force that shakes heaven, earth, and hell.  Not only does the enemy see the heart of the worshiper in true worship, heaven sees it too.  A worshiper gets Gods attention.  Heaven itself is filled with worship and praise (Rev. 4:10)'
Though right now in the midst of crises it looks peculiar to lift up your hands and call out to God and begin to Praise Him for what all we have been blessed with, and give honor due Him, we must as the body of Christ use this time to be the light and not show fear for the unbelievers to see.  If we don't have the answer (which is Jesus) then who does?  Let us Stand on the Promises of Christ the King...  Let us lift each other up in prayer, call out people's names as you pray for them, call out the Nations to come to repentance and turn from there wicked ways.  Call forth the Armies of Heaven to do Battle against the wickedness in high places in the Mighty name of Our Lord.  Church if we do not use this time to be the Church, who will?  The Bible has the answers in this time we must return to reading it daily, feeding our Spirit man to be ready to have the answer for the worlds questions, also to remain calm ourselves.  Let us begin to use our Heavenly Prayer Language also to build up ourselves praying in the Holy Spirit, and if you haven't received that Gift from Our Father ask Him for that Power from on High, Jesus said I will not leave you comfort less but I will ask the Father to send His Holy Spirit to you!
The other night I went out in my backyard and just begin the tell God how Great He is with my arms lifted high and I did all I said in this post, I told Him you even named every star in the Heavens, and how this lil red head down here in the dark would never let a rock cry out praise to you as long as I had a voice.  So how ever God leads you to Praise, Pray, or be a Light Just Do it!  Amen!
To God be All the Glory, in Jesus name.