
Today I hear the Holy Spirit say to me, God wants to hear your voice!
In a time when everyone wants, searches, seeks after Hearing the true Voice of God, God in turn wants, searches, and seeks to hear the true voice of His creation You!
As a Father or Mother longs to stay in contact with their child, our Heavenly Father wants fellowship with His Children.
( As many of you know me and my husbands son passed in 2006 from a life threatening disease, all we talk about is seeing, talking, and living with him again.)
Surprise that’s what the Holy Spirit of God is Speaking today...
Please in your busy life people take the time to remember ABBA Father and just talk to Him.
Like the ole song  “He is never to busy to Hear your Hearts Cry, He is passing by this moment your needs to supply...So reach out and touch the Lord as He goes by.”
In any relationship their has to be communication.  Where you know the heart of the one you have come into covenant  (marriage) with and your desire is to Him or Her alone, To be with that person waiting, listening, and even yearning to even breath the same air as that person to be that close face to face contact.
 When i was in college the professor told us that in a scenario like in the beginning of relationship of the love of your life that kind of love is not sustainable and could in “joking she laughed kill you,” and over time it had to fade, because it is an impossibility... well that professor should have been introduced to the Bible were it states for a fact God is Love and His love dosent fade!  God is also a Jealous God, if the communication between you has seemed somewhat distant lately, exam who moved you or God?  Where did the miscommunication in this union of Love taper off?  You will always find it is Us that gets to busy.
God created Us so He would have someone to talk with, so let Us fall in Love again with our Creator!
Amen, and Amen, and again Amen!